Nourish Your Body

This program is for those of you who have dieted on and off your whole life and you just don’t know what healthy eating is anymore!

The confusion, mixed messages you read online, and your own inconsistency is a huge source of stress and you often blame yourself for your own failures!

The truth is, it’s not your fault. Learn the true meaning of healthy eating, build food confidence, and experience freedom from food stress for the rest of your life!

Gut Health

This habit building pathway gets down to business when it comes to understanding, nourishing and maximising your gut health.

It will start you right at the fundamentals of gut health, with key habits that must be in place for your gut to function at its best. Then, once the these key elements are in place, you will go on a journey of understanding food intolerances, how certain foods affect digestion, and be guided through the process of relieving your uncomfortable symptoms.

We will provide support for a range of gastro-intestinal symptoms and conditions, plus our expert dietitians will be online chat to.

Women’s Health

This habit building pathway will cover the evidence base around key issues that women may face across their life that can be managed with good nutrition.

We cover the full reproductive cycle, from amenorrhea to fertility challenges, pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause, and beyond.

We’ll also specifically cover key conditions such as PCOS and endometriosis with ongoing support and coaching available with our women’s health dietitian.


This habit building pathway is to support you with evidence-based, achievable nutrition to manage your blood sugar levels.

If the thought of a strict carb-free diet for the rest of your life is not your idea of maximising your health, then you’re in luck.

We’ll show you how good blood sugar management comes from high diet quality. By taking a food first approach, you’ll stop stressing about carbs and embrace food once again!

Babies, Kids & Teens

This habit building pathway is for parents of babies, kids and teens who are keen help their children, or those in their care, overcome fussy eating and build long term, healthy relationships with food.

It’s so important we set our kids up for success, not with rules or scaremongering, but with positivity, family-centred care and good advice.

You’ll have our paediatric dietitian there to guide you all the way!

Mental Health

This habit building pathway is based on the latest scientific evidence for how your daily food choices affect your mental health. Specifically, increasing consistent diet quality has been shown to decrease symptoms of depression and anxiety!

Based on the Mediterranean diet, you will take a food first approach to nutrition and focus on making slow, steady, achievable changes to your diet.

Avoid overwhelm, be kind to yourself and nourish your brain and body from the inside out!


This habit building pathway is for those of you who want to boost your diet quality and build a sustainable anti-inflammatory dietary pattern to assist with managing chronic disease.

Chronic diseases are prevalent in our society and many of them are driven by the presence of chronic inflammation the body.

Inflammation is driven by a number of environmental factors, one of those is diet. Diet is not a cure for some conditions, however, it can certainly help you stay in the best condition possible for maximum wellbeing.

Build Skills

Good long term nutrition is not just about WHAT you what, it’s about WHEN, WHERE and HOW you eat as well.

A huge part of building and maintaining healthy lifestyle habits is feeling confident in your skills to shop for, prepare, cook and store food.

Other skills you’ll learn are how to listen to your body, hunger and fullness cues, managing social situations and the key principles of change.

Sports & Performance

This habit building pathway is for recreational and professional athletes looking to comprehensively understand how nutrition can impact their training and performance in their chosen sport.

Not only will you learn the key principles of sports nutrition, you’ll get the practical support to put it into practice.

Whether you’re into endurance running or powerlifting, we’ve got you covered with evidence-based, achievable advice for optimal performance.

Cardiovascular Disease

This habit building pathway is for anyone with a diagnosis of heart disease or other cardiovascular issues.

Maybe you don’t have cardiovascular disease, but you’ve been diagnosed with high blood pressure or high cholesterol. This pathway is for you too!

Decrease your risk, maximise your health and prolong your life, all while enjoying what you eat!